Saturday, January 15, 2011

6 months old

How are we at this point already? Why won't time slow down? This has been, hands down, the best 6 months of our lives. Eliza, you are so much fun. You can sit up on your own really well, only toppling over occasionally. You smile and giggle at everything. You are also very determined. You try and try to master a new skill. We love the face you make when you are concentrating. You purse your lips and your cheeks puff out and it makes us laugh and swoop you up in our arms and swing you around! You really like Hank and Quinnie, but especially Hank. Quinnie is kind of afraid of you, but Hank isn't. He wags his tail at you a lot and you are always trying to reach out a dimpled little hand to him. When you play on the floor, Quinnie stands guard to make sure everything is as it should be.

Chubby Baby
We are going to be starting solids with you soon, and I can't wait. I can't decide if we will try rice cereal or oatmeal. Our goal this weekend is to go out and get you a highchair. Hank is totally going to be your best friend now! You've been kind of sick this week, which makes Mommy and Daddy pretty sad. But every morning you have a smile and you don't seem too bothered by it. We can't wait for Spring so that all of these colds will go away!

Ready to walk?
You really want to crawl. You push up on your hands and you are starting to lift your butt in the air. Right now you go in a circle or backwards. You really like our iPhones! We put them just out of your reach and you try with all of your might to grab them!

So pretty

Well, Eliza, you've been in our lives for half a year already. We can't even remember what life without you was like before. I think we might have slept more. But who cares? Sleep is for wimps!

All smiles all the time


Hey strawberry girl!

Rosy cheeks

Loving her story!

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